2023 FSP Intern Career Conference

Thursday, July 13, 2023


2023 FSP Intern Career Conference 

The Financial Services Pipeline (FSP) Initiative’s Intern Career Conference will be held in person this year on Thursday, July 13. 2023.

The Intern Career Conference goals are:

  • To educate college students and interns about different career paths and jobs within the financial services sector
  • To build a repository of FSP ICC interns for future opportunities and to track their success in the industry
  • To cultivate networking among students/interns with each other and financial sector professionals and executives
This year’s conference theme is Be Here Now: What Your Future Could Look Like in Financial Services
  • The learning sessions and interactions will include:
    • Plenary Session with FSP Member firms
    • Professional Development tips and takeaways
    • Interaction with past ICC Interns

Registration is limited to interns from FSP member firms and invited students. If you are eligible, you should have received a registration link. Please check with your Intern Manager or email FSP with any questions about registration.

Thank you to the FSP 2023 Conference Co-Chairs:

  • Deidre Boone, Cboe
  • Vern Johnson, CIBC

We would also like to thank the FSP Steering Committee at large for their oversight and leadership.